Thursday, March 31, 2011


" Sometimes it's a good idea to show that you can be a soft person, who keeps his impatience & annoyance under control, to give an adequate account of yourself to everyone."
Written in 2011 by Shatha Zahran --- Jordan

" It takes courage & greatness to help a sinking man, not pity."
Written in 2011 by Frank Chidi --- Nigeria
Hope to encourage the thoughtful!

 " Compassion is when you do something good without any expectations based on realizing that 'the other person is also just like me.'"
Dalai Lama --- Submitted by Lauren Covington --- New Jersey

 " Do you think your way to see the world is the right way? Do you know other people with a different way to see it? Do you think they also believe, they see the world the right way? So, if there is more than one way to see the world, you may choose how you like to see it."
Written in 2011 by Ray Bauer --- Germany

" Life gets a little easier if you chose only to think, act and speak positive energy. Choose to be the light in somebody else's darkness."
Written in 2011 by Lotte Aagaard --- Denmark
I know that if we do not change the energy we send out today and so forward - we will draw in negative energy - the result we see each day in the news. Therefore, I would like to remind everyone - each day - to send out positive energy in every aspect of their life, thinking, talking and feeling.

" As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Bible --- Submitted by Indira Mallavarpu --- India
This quote has been well said and experienced by most of us. So it suggests that we should be extremely careful and aware about what we allow our mind to think about. And what we choose to dwell on. So stop the thought before it enters your mind and plays havoc.

 " Want a good time? Do good things. Want a good life? Do good things."
Written in 2011 by Robert Burrell --- Australia
Many people, when they think of having a 'good time' are planning to go 'out' and do 'damage' to themselves. To have a 'bad time'.

For people recovering from a lifestyle that has not practiced moderation, it is a revelation that there are rewards in moderation. In being good. 'We are what we do'. If one goes out and creates chaos, then do not be surprised if there is a lot of chaos in one's life. If one practices doing good things, both to one's self and also to others, then generally, one's life becomes a good one.


1 comment:

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